To start off my endeavour I selected a school which is perfect for my program. Vishwabharati Defence Academy(VDA) is a Premier Leadership Training Institute. This Academy transforms youngsters into leaders. This was a residential school near Shivneri a small hamlet located near Pune, Maharashtra a state in India.
There were almost fifty students to attend my lecture. I was welcomed as a guest lecturer there. Seeing the students being so responsive and disciplined, I entered with zeal and determination resulting into the success of my first ever lecture of my new program. Here I introduced them to my sport Fencing, teaching them all the basic things and general information about it. And how it can benefit them in the long run. I also discussed about sporting careers in fencing just like other off-beat careers. It was a super interesting talk as they were well aware of themselves and their environment, plus they also had a great hold on their knowledge. It was actually surprising to see that many students preparing for NDA(National Defence Academy), they fully dedicated their lives to this and their at most commitment mesmerised me. From staying alone and working this hard, it is actually rare to see this kind of integrity in children nowadays. I had a content and joyful time with the students.
These are the snaps from the day:
Media coverage of the event (Press Release from the school):